Survey Reveals Current Religious Attitudes Toward Divorce

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Most family lawyers try their best to stay out of the religious dimension of their client’s divorce cases, but religious questions can affect the decisions of many clients. In some religions divorce is seen as a sin, but how do Americans in general feel?

A new survey by LifeWay Research of 1,000 Americans found that only a minority of Americans would consider a divorce a sin when:

  • There’s adultery (39 percent)
  • The two people no longer love each other (38 percent)
  • One spouse has abandoned the other (38 percent)
  • One spouse is abusing the other (37 percent)
  • A spouse is addicted to pornography (35 percent)

37% of those surveyed said that they wouldn’t consider divorce a sin in any of those circumstances.

The attitudes of Americans towards divorce have changed dramatically in a short period of time. It’s pretty safe to say that divorce is here to stay and it’s an option for any couple that needs it. If you do have religious issues regarding your divorce, it is best to speak with your preferred spiritual adviser.

If you are considering divorce and you live in Washington State, contact Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC today. We specialize in divorce mediation and collaborative divorce. Our goal is to help couples divorce so that both parties can have a secure life after the split. To learn more about our philosophy toward divorce, give us a call.


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