What to do if you stop Receiving Child Support Payments

Crisis in Child Welfare

If your ex-spouse is honorable, they will comply with court orders for child support payments as best as they can. However, if they cannot or will not comply, the Division of Child Support has several options to enforce them to pay.

The Division of Child Support is responsible for providing child support assistance for both payers and recipients. They provide several services to the public. For instance, if one of the parties disappears they are responsible for finding them. If there is question about parentage, they can provide paternity testing. And they’re also responsible for establishing, modifying, and enforcing child support obligations.

When someone doesn’t pay their child support, their overdue payments go into arrears. When this happens, there are a lot of legal tools that DCS can use to get that payment and punish the individual. Monetarily, they can directly take money from wages, tax returns, unemployment, worker’s compensation, lawsuit settlements, bank accounts, and even some pensions. They can also file liens against houses and vehicles, or seize property kept in safe deposit boxes or placed up for auction. They can also make it much more difficult for a parent to leave the area. They can prevent passport renewals or suspend licenses. They can report delinquent child support payments to crediting agencies as well.

For more information about DCS or if you need to contact an official, click on this link. If you wish to seek advice before pursuing DCS enforcement of a child support order, speak with our lawyers. 

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