Family and Parenting

Step Families – Our Family Story as seen through Ian’s Eyes

Step Families Take Time and Space to Gel

As we sat around our dinner table last night discussing a variety of topics ranging from Trump’s hateful rhetoric to a discussion around racism/classicism to the cost of a loaf of bread in Washington DC, it became very clear to my husband and I that our “little” (well not so little as we share 6 …

Mistakes to Avoid with your Lawyer

“Adulting” is Not So Bad

Can I enjoy the perks of being a “grown-up” without the heavy and complicated responsibility that comes along with it? Especially in trying times like suddenly having to fumble your way through the unraveling of your family unit. Blind-sighted by a partner that ditched you and the kids for greene…


Facing the challenges of extended family during divorce

During even the best of times, relations with extended family can be challenging to navigate.  These challenges may compound and manifest in many different ways during the process of separation or divorce.
Depending on the type of relationships you and your spouse have with your respective…

City of Seattle hopes to set precedent on paid family leave

City of Seattle hopes to set precedent on paid family leave

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray has proposed an extension to Seattle’s parental leave permitted to city employees. He plans to replace the current four-week policy with a new eight week paid leave for employees with infants or ill family members. This eight-week period would effectively be a minimum; the…

Child Support and Fiscal Emergencies

Deeply Broken System

The Huffington Post recently interviewed Rafael López, President Obama’s appointed Commissioner of the Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. López sees the child welfare system as “deeply broken” with the chief problem being tha…

A Must Read for all parents considering Divorce: The Co-Parent’s Handbook by Karen Bonnell and Kristin Little

Read The Co-Parents’ Handbook if you are parents getting a divorce…..

Given the inherent nature of divorce and separation it should be no surprise that family law can often be high-conflict, stressful and litigious. While successful co-parenting during and after can be difficult and at times seemingly impossible, it is most often doable with hard work and a willing…

Anthony Weiner and Bill Clinton; Two Peas in a Pod

Kids and Electronics by Randall Enlow

Smartphones and tablets are simply ubiquitous. As a consequence, children are using them more often and at increasingly young ages, whether the actual versions or toys designed to imitate adult devices. Many if not most of us have likely witnessed a young child in our life seemingly addicted to u…