Financial Support

Twin babies smiling

Child Support Changed in Twins Case

This week we’re looking at child support and spousal maintenance (alimony) payments. These can be some of the most hotly contested subjects in a divorce case, only behind child custody. It is important to have someone on your side that knows the laws for both of these in your state when you go to…

Elise Buie Family Law  |  Changes Proposed to Custody Laws

Elise Buie Family Law | Are There Serious Issues with the Child Support System?

One of the most complicated issues following a divorce can be working out the details of how each parent spends time with their children. In addition to the complicated process of determing a custody arrangement, parents must come to an agreement about which (if any) parent must make payments to the other for the care of the child.

International Child Support Agreement Stymied

International Child Support Agreement Stymied

There is a major international agreement about child support that is working its way through state legislatures.  The treaty is designed to help participant countries enforce child support laws across their boundaries. 32 other nations and the EU have agreed to it, but Idaho may block US particip…

Elise Buie Family Law  |  Retirement Planning After Divorce

Elise Buie Family Law | Retirement Planning After Divorce

It might seem like common sense that when a marriage dissolves, all the assets owned by the couple must be dispensed with according to the laws of the state in which the couple lived. But what about planning for the years following divorce?