Politics and Legal Updates

Catholic Views on Divorce may be Changing

Catholic Views on Divorce may be Changing

One reason that stops people from leaving relationships that are damaging is religion. Catholics and other conservative religions look down on divorce. They may go so far as to prevent a divorced person from getting remarried in the religion, effectively cutting them off from social ties.
Yet vi…

New Federal Child Support Rules Under Discussion

New Federal Child Support Rules Under Discussion

States don’t just have their own child support laws, but must also follow federal law on the matter. Last year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Child Support Enforcement put up a list of proposed changes for public comment. The response was positive, though some legisl…

Vice President Debate by Guest Blogger

Idaho Passes Child Support Measure After All

You may remember the post we had about the Hague agreement and how Idaho may stop that treaty in its tracks. The agreement was to standardize how child support was handled for people in foreign countries. Critics were afraid that people in foreign countries might override the rights of Idahoans.

Elise Buie Family Law  |  Changes Proposed to Custody Laws

Elise Buie Family Law | Changes Proposed to Custody Laws

About 20 states across the US are currently considering proposed legislation that would alter the procedures for determining which parent will retain legal and physical control of a child following a divorce or separation.