Money and Assets

A male doctor


The GOP unveiled their new healthcare plan last week. For years, conservatives have railed against the Affordable Care Act and vowed to replace it with a better and more affordable alternative.  As it turns out, there was no real plan in place and they began scrambling to put something together i…

Divorce Derailing Retirement

Take Your Client’s Financial Pulse

We attorneys often ask our clients “what do you want?”  A typical response is either a blank stare – you know that look that your child gives you when you ask if they have completed their homework or chores.  Another typical response is vitriolic tirade about the unfairness of life.  Either respo…

Collaborative Law for Prenuis

13 Questions to Ask Before Getting Married

Before walking down the aisle with your new spouse it is important to have a heart-to-heart conversation regarding some fundamentals of your relationship. Open, honest and frequent communication with your soon-to-be spouse can pave the way to a wonderful relationship; and the NY Times has some su…

Consider Hiring a Financial Adviser

Top Tips for Selling Your Home during Divorce

If you are like most couples, your home may be one of your major assets. It can often be difficult when going through divorce to face selling a home together with your ex. Here are some top tips to make your home sale during divorce go smoothly.

All about the agent: Spent some time getting …

Collaborative Law for Prenuis

Financial Planning for the Blended Family

First, congratulations. We love helping families who are coming together. In addition to some of the emotional implications that make come along with blending your family, it is also important to get your financial arrangements in order. Here are some top suggestions before you tie the knot:


Who Pays the Student Loan after Divorce?

Who Pays the Student Loan after Divorce?

This will likely not come as a surprise; I am a family law attorney and as a lawyer I attended law school… and piled on plenty of student loan debt to do so. But you don’t have to be a lawyer to understand that more and more students are graduating under enormous financial burdens associated with…

Divorce Derailing Retirement

Divorce Derailing Retirement

The baby boomer generation has been divorcing at alarming rates for the past decade or so.  In fact, divorce rates over the age of 50 have doubled in the past 20 years.  Middle-aged divorce, especially divorce after 50, can have an incredibly detrimental impact on retirement.  
Women are disp…

Collaborative Law for Prenuis

Own a Business, Better Sign a Pre-Nup

A prenuptial agreement is a contract entered into by a couple before marriage. The prenup spells out the property rights of one or both of the parties involved in the case of death or divorce. When you are setting up your business, you may not be considering how your marriage will impact it, but …

Divorce, Social Security and Remarriage

Divorce, Social Security and Remarriage

Social security is often misunderstood. Many clients struggle to understand their own benefits, let alone their spouse, or ex spouse’s. Unfortunately, this means many Americans are failing to receive their full benefits. According to a survey conducted by MassMutual more than 55 percent of Americ…

3 Ways Divorce Can Impact Your Health

Who Does Marriage Serve in 2016? – Guest Blogger

In recent years, marriage rates have hit an all time low in the United States. Some speculate that this is a result of increasing financial independence for women. Without the economic imperative to marry, women are more selective in their dating habits and seek qualities beyond financial stabili…