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A Guide to Reaching Your Estate Planning Goals

A Guide to Reaching Your Estate Planning Goals

Many people delay estate planning because facing sickness and death can be uncomfortable. However, preparation is necessary to have your wishes honored as you intend. With this in mind, consider the following suggestions to stay focused on these estate planning goals.

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How to Approach your Partner for a Divorce

How to Approach your Partner for a Divorce

The thought of how to approach your partner for a divorce can be stressful, even if you believe they will take the news “well.” The upside is there are ways to communicate your intentions that can minimize the uncomfortable feelings you are experiencing while helping to make the conversation go more smoothly.

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Valentine’s Day Survival Guide for Singles

Valentine’s Day Survival Guide for Singles

Valentine’s Day can be tricky for single parents, maybe even you. Unpartnered, at least for the time being, you might not foresee your plans fitting into conventional images of the holiday. But that doesn’t have to be. Valentine’s Day, when you’re single, can be more than a day you need to survive. It can be a day to look forward to.

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