Family and Parenting



Ideally, divorced parents would find it in themselves to be able to parent their children in a civil manner that puts their kids before themselves. This, as we all know, is not always the case and joint parenting efforts can turn ugly quickly. When this unfortunate truth becomes your reality, the…

No Court 4 Families 2025

No Court 4 Families 2025
The article outlines the initiative led by Karen Bonnell, author of The Co-Parents Handbook and the soon to be released, The Step Family Handbook.  Karen so succinctly states, “The adversarial, litigation proc…

Tips for Successful Co-parenting

Paternity Leave for Zuckerberg

Experts understand that children do best when both parents work together to raise their children. Companies are increasingly allowing more generous paternity benefits as they recognize the need for fathers to be involved parents too. As stars like Zuckerberg publicly take paternity leave, they be…

Practical Guide to Step-Parent Adoption

Practical Guide to Step-Parent Adoption

You are ready to make that big step from being “Step Parent” to Parent, congratulations! Adopting your step child can be a big step in any family, and requires planning and forethought. By adopting your step child, you are given the same rights and obligations you would have if the child had been…

The Family Home and Divorce

The Family Home and Divorce

If you are like the majority of people facing divorce, your family home is probably one of your largest assets. While each couple divides this asset in a way that works for their unique situation, there is some general information you should be aware of when it comes to your property.


Therapy – Be the Best You

Is a 50/50 Parenting Plan Right for you?

While courts in some jurisdictions are leaning more and more towards the 50/50 schedule, establishing a parenting plan can still be confusing and complicated. We have some expert tips to help you decide if a 50/50 shared custody plan is right for you. Here are a few questions to ask yourself befo…

No Court 4 Families 2025

Why a dog might be a good idea for you and your kids during a divorce

Divorcedgirlsmiling recently posted about the ways in which a dog can offer support during a divorce. Expanding upon that, a dog can offer not only you but also your children a unique type of comfort during the upset of divorce.

First, dogs offer unconditional love. It does not matter what kin…

A Co-Parenting Don’t

A Co-Parenting Don’t

You co-parent your child because you understand that your children do best when they have loving, fulfilling and respectful relationships with both their parents. But could you accidently be sabotaging your own efforts?

According to this Huffington Post article released in March, co-parents ma…

How to reduce the cost of your divorce

Gender norms, income, and divorce.

Times are changing and in 2017 it is not uncommon to find women earning more than their husbands. How is this fact related to divorce? Marriage itself is a tradition born out of a woman’s need for financial support by a man so what happens when you take away women’s financial dependence?


Two common conflict tactics that are counterproductive

Two common conflict tactics that are counterproductive


This is a relatively trendy word in the psychology community right currently but gaslighting essentially involves a constant form of manipulation and/or emotional invalidation that leaves one party questioning their own sanity. In the case of conflict, gaslighting often involves de…