Financial Support

College Costs for Divorced Couples

College Costs for Divorced Couples

If you have children of any age and are seeking a divorce make sure that negotiating college costs is top on your financial priority list. If your children are young, it is easy to overlook the importance of this issue or feel confident that it will sort itself out later. Unfortunately this is of…

Who Pays the Student Loan after Divorce?

Who Pays the Student Loan after Divorce?

This will likely not come as a surprise; I am a family law attorney and as a lawyer I attended law school… and piled on plenty of student loan debt to do so. But you don’t have to be a lawyer to understand that more and more students are graduating under enormous financial burdens associated with…

Divorce Derailing Retirement

Divorce Derailing Retirement

The baby boomer generation has been divorcing at alarming rates for the past decade or so.  In fact, divorce rates over the age of 50 have doubled in the past 20 years.  Middle-aged divorce, especially divorce after 50, can have an incredibly detrimental impact on retirement.  
Women are disp…

Divorce, Social Security and Remarriage

Divorce, Social Security and Remarriage

Social security is often misunderstood. Many clients struggle to understand their own benefits, let alone their spouse, or ex spouse’s. Unfortunately, this means many Americans are failing to receive their full benefits. According to a survey conducted by MassMutual more than 55 percent of Americ…

Tips for Successful Co-parenting

Is President Obama limiting child support obligations for prisoners?

President Obama has decided to move forward a proposition to limit child support obligations for prisoners during the time they are incarcerated.  Those who support this action argue that current child support obligations strap prisoners with insurmountable debt that inhibits their ability to ree…

Divorce Derailing Retirement

Managing Retirement and Divorce

We appreciate that divorce can be complicated. Even where parties agree on all the issues it can be important to speak with a family law attorney regarding some of the more “hidden” aspects of divorce. Many clients have a firm grasp and understanding of their personal property; one person gets gr…

Employer Caught Stealing Money from Child Support Payments

The Financial Impacts of Divorce that You Need to Think About NOW

If divorce is looming, now is the time to start thinking about money. Divorce can impact your finances for many years to come so get a game plan and follow that plan.
Immediate Costs/Considerations
Each person’s facts are different but here is a list of some immediate financial considerations:…

States Wrestle with New Spousal Maintenance Realities

States Wrestle with New Spousal Maintenance Realities

Stereotypes of spousal maintenance normally have the man paying maintenance to the woman, but in today’s world the income of men and women are much more equal than just a few decades ago. This has lead to numerous challenges about whether or not spousal maintenance is really necessary. And with t…

Track your Child Support Payments

Track your Child Support Payments

When you pay child support, it is very important that the Division of Child Support knows how payments are being arranged, but it is also important to keep an eye on your credit. Child support agencies can report child support arrears to credit agencies, and ruining your credit report.
One man i…