Money and Assets

Why I Believe in Cleaning Up Finances Before Closets

Why I Believe in Cleaning Up Finances Before Closets

I’ve always been interested in finding ways to take control of my future, especially as I was going through my divorce. So when a friend passed along to me a copy of Marie Kondō’s best-selling book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing,” I couldn’t wait to begin reading it.

Estate Planning for a Single Parent

Estate Planning for a Single Parent

The percentage of children who live in a single-parent household has increased significantly. While estate planning for single parents is similar to estate planning for families with two parents, you should take special consideration and outline specific provisions in your estate plan if you’re a single parent due to death, divorce, or life choice. If you’re a single parent, estate planning should become a high priority.

Tips for Talking To Your Parents About Estate Planning in the Age of COVID-19

Tips for Talking To Your Parents About Estate Planning in the Age of COVID-19

The only guarantee we have in life is that we’re all going to die someday. If we’re lucky enough, we’ll do this when we’re old, slipping peacefully away in our sleep. But, inevitably, it will happen to each of us regardless of age or health. Unfortunately, too many people pass away without addressing their estate planning and die without leaving a will. Dying without a will, referred to as intestate, is just one of the issues that can come from not addressing your estate planning while you’re alive.

A brown house at dusk

I’m Getting a Divorce. What If My Ex Won’t Move Out of the Marital Home?

It’s the question Phil Collins posed in court last month after his ex-wife, Orianne Cevey, and her new husband, Thomas Bates, refused to vacate the singer’s Miami Beach Mansion, estimated at 40 million dollars. Vanity Fair reported that although Collins holds the property in a company owned by him, Cevey claims she has an ownership interest. Taking legal matters into her hands, Cevey and her new hubby have denied her ex-husband access by changing the locks and alarm codes and otherwise blocking Collins and his representatives from entering.

A small sized play residential neighborhood

Should You Keep the Marital Home in Your Divorce?

When it comes to the family home, you have numerous choices to weigh before deciding, each of which could affect you and your family for years to come. It will behoove you to remember the difference between a house and a home during this emotional transition. Your house is a place where you live. A home is any place with you living in it.

Don’t Name Your Child As The Beneficiary

Don’t Name Your Child As The Beneficiary

When you have children, you’ll go to the ends of the earth to protect them and make sure they are safe and happy. It’s a major reason why parents buy life insurance — or the main one at least. Having life insurance means that if something happened to you, your children would be OK financially.

Protecting Your Family Home

Protecting Your Family Home

For most families, a home is among their most valuable assets, both financially and emotionally. It is important to be thoughtful about how you are going to leave a home and to whom. If there are issues between siblings, tax considerations, or other family needs to consider, the parent should make an informed decision about what to do with the house and ensure that their estate plan reflects these wishes. It is particularly important to come up with a specific plan for your home.

A woman holding on to her wedding ring

How To Protect Yourself During Divorce

If you’re going through a divorce in Washington State, there are five important estate planning questions you should consider. They are:

What happens if I die during my divorce?
What happens if I become incapacitated during my divorce?
How can I protect myself during divorce?
How can I protect my children during divorce?
How can I make sure my share of community property goes to the people I want it to go to rather than my future ex-spouse if I become incapacitated or die during my divorce?