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Anthony Weiner and Bill Clinton; Two Peas in a Pod

Anthony Weiner and Bill Clinton; Two Peas in a Pod

As most of the world has heard this week, Anthony Weiner is caught up in yet another sexting scandal.  I was somewhat surprised, as I am sure many of you are, that this politician has been implicated in sexting scandals not once, not twice, but three times since 2011. You would think by now he’d …

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How One Family Fought CPS

How One Family Fought CPS

Huffington Post recently featured an interview with Jessica Weisberg, the author of a thought-provoking article in The Atavist which contrasts the efforts of a California couple who fought for their children back with the endeavors of an attorney who devoted his career to suing CPS. Randy and Dan…

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What About the Beloved Family Pet?

Post Hurricane Katrina – Where are They Now?

As our family does every year around this time, we think about Hurricane Katrina and its impact on our family.  While sitting in the hospital the other night with Eric, we spent some time reminiscing about what has occurred since the storm.
First, our location has changed, and changed and change…

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3 Ways Divorce Can Impact Your Health

3 Ways Divorce Can Impact Your Health

Divorce is both mentally and physically taxing. For many, divorce can trigger negative health effects that last far beyond the divorce process itself.  Divorce can be all consuming for a period of time and if you sideline your health, diet and exercise, as well as stress management, it is likely …

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“Divorce Season” – When and Why? – Guest Blogger

“Divorce Season” – When and Why? – Guest Blogger

University of Washington researchers have concluded that divorces are indeed seasonal and are most likely to take place after the winter and summer holidays. Sociology professor Julie Brines and doctoral candidate Brian Serafini have attributed these seasonal splits to what they call “domestic ri…

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Should there be a National Divorce Law?

Guest Blogger – 19 Year Old Louisiana Native

Obama’s visit to Baton Rouge a Little Too Late for Some

President Obama visited Baton Rouge today for the first time since the floods that have been labeled as the worst natural disaster since hurricane Sandy. The president has caught a lot of criticism this past week for not visiting Baton Ro…

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Employer Caught Stealing Money from Child Support Payments

Does $15 per hour mean more money for most?

Seattle’s decision to hike up minimum wage to $15/ hour was a bold proposal from the beginning and is just now starting to play out. The most obvious concern surrounding this new wage level is that fewer people will be able to find jobs at all. Seattle stated before the enactment of this policy t…

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Seattle Moving Towards a City-Funded “Safe Consumption Site” for Heroin Addicts – Guest Blogger

Heroin and Homelessness in Seattle

In June we wrote about Seattle’s potential plans for addressing the homelessness epidemic. Homelessness and substance abuse share a strong connection for a variety of reasons both simple and complex. Many if not most of Seattle area residents have seen or heard how heroin has become a real epidem…

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