Elise Buie Family Law | Divorce and Impact on Heart Health
But, according to a study recently released by Duke University, divorce can literally be unhealthy for the heart, especially for women
But, according to a study recently released by Duke University, divorce can literally be unhealthy for the heart, especially for women
Divorcing in your retirement years is growing in popularity, but it carries some significant financial risks. Investment income, Social Security benefits, and other financial instruments must be split equitably according to the law, without leaving one party without the money necessary to support…
When parents go through a divorce, child custody can be one of the hardest issues to deal with. But increasingly in American households, pets are part of the family, and separating can create similar concerns over who gets the family pet.
It might seem like common sense that when a marriage dissolves, all the assets owned by the couple must be dispensed with according to the laws of the state in which the couple lived. But what about planning for the years following divorce?
About 20 states across the US are currently considering proposed legislation that would alter the procedures for determining which parent will retain legal and physical control of a child following a divorce or separation.
Our society is becoming increasingly more mobile, which despite the many advantages, can also have distinct disadvantages for serving process.
Every person mourns the death in their own way, and whether that means devoting oneself to child-rearing or volunteering at a homeless shelter, it takes time to heal from a divorce.
The Co-Parent’s Handbook – Karen Bonnell and Kristin Little