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Why Your Child May Be Refusing to See Their Other Parent

Why Your Child May Be Refusing to See Their Other Parent

Depending on the nature of your custody arrangement, it is likely that your children are required to split time between two houses. Things can get complicated when your child may not want to go to one house or another. This refusal can occur for a wide variety of reasons and it is important to un…

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Divorce Teaches Us What is Important

How to know when it’s time to leave your partner?

According to psychologists, many people stay in unhappy marriages out of fear or avoidance. If you are contemplating divorce, be honest with yourself about what is holding you back from making that decision.  Are you worried you wont find another life partner? Are you worked about how you will fa…

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Tips for managing high conflict divorce

All communication, no matter how trivial, should be done in writing. Email is preferable to text because email is easily searchable and can be accessed from a variety of different devices.
Commit to your parenting plan
Follow the tenants of your parenting plan. Treat your parenting pla…

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A woman on the phone on a busy street

Don’t Listen to Bad Advice

Most of the time unsolicited advice is innocuous, but in the case of divorce, advice from well meaning but misinformed people can be harmful.

Encouraging acrimony

Especially if you feel slighted by your divorce, it is likely that those around you may encourage you to “fight” or be intenti…

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Two smiling kids

Co-Parenting and Camps by Karen Bonnell

Planning for summer two to three months in advance allows everyone in the family to prepare for, and enjoy summer with less stress, conflict and uncertainty.
Once the summer schedule is set, parents may still make requests of one another for schedule changes in order to take advantage of spontan…

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Divorce Teaches Us What is Important

Divorce Teaches Us What is Important

 Divorce isn’t happy but divorce can teach us all a whole heck of a lot about happiness. For better or worse, divorce is one of the quickest ways to find out what is important to you. Negotiating a separation from a life partner really puts things into perspective regarding the fragility and unpr…

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5 tips for single parents

5 tips for single parents

1.  Love yourself
Being a single parent is incredibly daunting and you will be a thousand times more successful if you engage in self-care. In order to be a good parent, especially when doing the job solo, its important to be the best version of your self. This can only be achieved by loving you…

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Filing for a Domestic Violence Protection Order

Filing for a Domestic Violence Protection Order

Domestic Violence Protection Orders are fee to file. You do not need to wait to be a victim of physical domestic violence to file for a protection order, but you do need to show fear of physical harm from someone with whom you have a romantic relationship or is a family member.

What is a Domes…

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A child stressed about parents arguing in the background

Are You Sure You Want a Divorce?

Divorce isn’t something that anyone “wants” but it is frequently presented as a solution to insolvable marital issues. Divorce can be expensive, emotionally draining, and acrimonious. Sometimes divorce really is the best choice, but it is important to consider a few important factors when grappli…

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