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Divorce Teaches Us What is Important

Divorce Teaches Us What is Important

 Divorce isn’t happy but divorce can teach us all a whole heck of a lot about happiness. For better or worse, divorce is one of the quickest ways to find out what is important to you. Negotiating a separation from a life partner really puts things into perspective regarding the fragility and unpr…

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5 tips for single parents

5 tips for single parents

1.  Love yourself
Being a single parent is incredibly daunting and you will be a thousand times more successful if you engage in self-care. In order to be a good parent, especially when doing the job solo, its important to be the best version of your self. This can only be achieved by loving you…

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Filing for a Domestic Violence Protection Order

Filing for a Domestic Violence Protection Order

Domestic Violence Protection Orders are fee to file. You do not need to wait to be a victim of physical domestic violence to file for a protection order, but you do need to show fear of physical harm from someone with whom you have a romantic relationship or is a family member.

What is a Domes…

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A child stressed about parents arguing in the background

Are You Sure You Want a Divorce?

Divorce isn’t something that anyone “wants” but it is frequently presented as a solution to insolvable marital issues. Divorce can be expensive, emotionally draining, and acrimonious. Sometimes divorce really is the best choice, but it is important to consider a few important factors when grappli…

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Therapy – Be the Best You

Therapy – Be the Best You

This week, actress, singer, and most followed person on Instagram, Selena Gomez revealed that she attends 5 sessions of therapy per week. Gomez has been candid about her struggles with depression and anxiety, especially after her Lupus diagnosis last year and hopes that being open about her thera…

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Divorce Derailing Retirement

Take Your Client’s Financial Pulse

We attorneys often ask our clients “what do you want?”  A typical response is either a blank stare – you know that look that your child gives you when you ask if they have completed their homework or chores.  Another typical response is vitriolic tirade about the unfairness of life.  Either respo…

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A male doctor


The GOP unveiled their new healthcare plan last week. For years, conservatives have railed against the Affordable Care Act and vowed to replace it with a better and more affordable alternative.  As it turns out, there was no real plan in place and they began scrambling to put something together i…

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Does Donald Trump Impact Your Marriage?

Does Donald Trump Impact Your Marriage?

Will our increasingly polarized political climate have a future impact on divorce? Following the election of Donald Trump, there were several viral news stories about women leaving their husbands over their political differences. Is this justifiable? Should there be a marriage vow clause for “in …

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Self Care for Parents

Self Care for Parents

Self-Care for Parents in Divorce

Susan Stiffelman shared an image in her latest newsletter with the subject “You have permission to rest, and more”. Often parents, particularly parents going through a divorce or trying emotional time forget that they too are human beings that deserve to be…

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