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Catholic Views on Divorce may be Changing

Catholic Views on Divorce may be Changing

One reason that stops people from leaving relationships that are damaging is religion. Catholics and other conservative religions look down on divorce. They may go so far as to prevent a divorced person from getting remarried in the religion, effectively cutting them off from social ties.
Yet vi…

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“The Donald” at it Again – Can Nobody Control Him?

Understanding Community Property

Washington is a community property state. This has very important implications in divorce cases. In community property states, most of the property of a couple is considered jointly owned. When a divorce happens, it is split equally among the parties. However, this also includes debts. In a nutsh…

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New Federal Child Support Rules Under Discussion

New Federal Child Support Rules Under Discussion

States don’t just have their own child support laws, but must also follow federal law on the matter. Last year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Child Support Enforcement put up a list of proposed changes for public comment. The response was positive, though some legisl…

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Elise Buie Family Law  |  Changes Proposed to Custody Laws

Tips for Divorce

If people do get divorced, it will most likely be their first and only time going through it. One of the tasks of a good family law professional is to guide their client through the process. Understanding what options are available is important. Perhaps something like mediation would work better….

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Seattle Moving Towards a City-Funded “Safe Consumption Site” for Heroin Addicts – Guest Blogger

Divorce Lawyer Narrowly Escapes Murder Plot

Divorce lawyers have to work with people from all walks of life. Sometimes this puts lawyers at risk. A lawyer in Indiana narrowly missed getting tangled in a murder plot thanks to the watchful eye of her husband.
According to the police, a mother and her son had planned to kill a divorce lawyer…

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Anthony Weiner and Bill Clinton; Two Peas in a Pod

Smartphone Evidence on the Rise

A classic scene from old movies is the private investigator hired to see whether or not a spouse is cheating or not. These days, we carry around our own private investigator in the form of smart phones and social media. According to a survey from the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 97% o…

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One Very Expensive Divorce in Russia

One Very Expensive Divorce in Russia

Many of the divorces that hit the newswires are from extremely rich people. The complexity of assets from multi-billionaires and the rich lifestyles they lead make these cases very hard to try. One Russian oligarch may be in for the world’s most expensive divorce. The total payout could be more t…

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Imputing Income in Divorce Cases

Imputing Income in Divorce Cases

One of the hardest things that a family law judge must decide is how to impute income. Imputing income is legalese for deciding how much income each party in a divorce case has and how much they are expected to make in the future. This information is used to decide fair amounts of spousal mainten…

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Grit – What is it?  Do you have it?

Reducing your Stress Levels in a Divorce

If you are undergoing a divorce you know how stressful it can be, but making a few small efforts can reduce the amount of stress you’re feeling. Most people who want a divorce want it to be as quick and painless as possible. The Huffington Post has some good advice on some things you can do to re…

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