Self Improvement

Why Is It Easier to Get Married than to Get Divorced? (Some Helpful Advice from a Twenty-Something)

Consider Seeing a Counselor Before Marriage

One of the best things you can do for your marriage is to see a counselor. In fact, if you can see one before you get married that’s even better. Many couples don’t see a marriage counselor until problems are well-entrenched and a lot of hurt has built up. Learning what problems may be sneaking u…

Seek Help for Co-parenting

Seek Help for Co-parenting

Parents will often share custody of children after a divorce. This puts both partners in a tricky situation. A lot of time, money, and emotional energy goes into a divorce. The ex-spouses may want nothing to do with each other but are forced to interact due to children. Spouses who divorce enter …

Elise Buie Family Law  |  Healing After Divorce

Elise Buie Family Law | Healing After Divorce

Every person mourns the death in their own way, and whether that means devoting oneself to child-rearing or volunteering at a homeless shelter, it takes time to heal from a divorce.

BIFF – Practice Makes Perfect

Learning how to communicate with a hostile ex-spouse is key to your long-term mental health.  Bill Eddy describes his “BIFF” methodology below which can be found on  Eddy’s website and in his book entitled “BIFF – Quick Responses to High Conflict People”

Do you need to respond?Much of hostile …

“Witnessing Change”

“Witnessing Change”

I had one of those wonderful moments as an attorney, friend, mom, divorced mom, human when I watched a client learn how to communicate with her soon-to-be ex in a way that was constructive, respectful and “forward focused.”  She even said “Thanks” when I wrote her a firm note to “stop” the past c…


Why do people dread Mondays?

The answer is obvious: we all dread Mondays because the weekend is over and our workweeks are just starting.  But, as I rode the elevator up to my office this morning, I realized that we don’t need to dread Mondays.  I almost commented to the other riders, “Oh man,…